Thursday, April 20, 2023

Door to Door Mail Delivery

How Does Door-to-Door Mail Delivery Work and What Are Its Benefits?

Here’s an interesting fact for you- 83% of door drop items get opened, filed, or read by their recipients! We can’t deny that it is a highly compelling figure showing that direct mail marketing is still going strong.

Thousands of marketers across the United Kingdom use door drop delivery as their top marketing strategy. They use it to target customers and prospects in specific areas and communicate with them personally.

door to door mail drop delivery

No other channel can work as well as direct mail marketing! The amount of emotional touch, nostalgic effect, and effectiveness that this channel offers are unbeatable!

But, probably, you aren’t fully aware of door-to-door mail delivery. Well, you must know that it is a game-changer for your marketing mix!

Today’s article will walk you through the basics of the door drop program and how you can benefit from it!

Let’s dive in!

What is Royal Mail Door Drop?

Door drops go by many names, such as door-drop marketing, door-to-door distribution, etc. They are a high-volume offline marketing form that targets potential customers by sending them unaddressed direct mail items.

Basically, you print and mail mass marketing materials, like flyers, postcards, and leaflets to specific localities. You can choose between different postcodes and neighbourhoods to target as per the requirements of your campaign or objectives.

Royal Mail door-to-door campaigns enable you to reach out to nearly 30 million households in the country. The best part is that you don’t need to have their mailing addresses or names to mail them. Just create, print, and mail items to specific areas where you are likely to get the most prospects.

For example, you can deliver flyers door to door to all the households on Regent Street as you are launching a new store in that area. Or, you may want to promote an upcoming offer to areas surrounding your business.

direct mail operations

What Are the Benefits of Door Drop Distribution?

There are many benefits of using door drop campaigns, like better reach and increased visibility. Below, we cover some more benefits to help you understand the concept better:

Low Costs

Door drop marketing plans are highly affordable and suitable for all types and sizes of companies. Since door drop items are unaddressed, you don’t pay extra to personalise anything. Plus, you no longer need to rent or purchase mailing lists.

If you are working on a tight budget, all you need to do is choose a cost-effective direct mail format like postcards and get started with a small locality.


Door-to-door leaflet distribution helps you become a topic of discussion in households. On average, door drop items stay in homes for about 5.4 days. Thus, you get enough exposure to create brand recognition and increase awareness.

Want to know more about leaflet marketing? Read here

Tap Into New Markets

A door drop delivery campaign is an excellent option for your brand if you want to explore new markets. You can practically select any locality across the country and target it as part of your campaign. It enables you to reach new prospects and generate fresh leads in your pipeline.

Drive Engagement

As said in the beginning, 83% of door drop pieces are engaged by the recipients. Hence, it is safe to say that door-to-door delivery UK is the best way to grab your audience’s attention and drive more engagement.

Things to Consider While Launching Door-to-Door Mail Delivery

Marketers must map out several things before launching a marketing program, and a door drop campaign is no different. Here are some crucial considerations to make while sending door-to-door mail items to prospects:

What Are Your Campaign Goals?

It is important to note your marketing motives before every door drop delivery campaign. Your goals may include:

  • Advertising new products and services
  • Driving web or retail traffic
  • Promoting season sales and discount offers
  • Inviting people to an upcoming trade event
  • Building brand awareness and reputation
  • Generating sales and expanding customer databases

Automated print and mail drop companies like PostGrid can help you conduct successful campaigns, fulfilling all your plans.

Whom Do You Want to Target?

A door-to-door campaign lets you choose from millions of localities that you can reach out to. Thus, select your target audience wisely based on your customer profile.

PostGrid’s direct mail API lets you send mail drops to people that match your buyer persona. This way, you can optimise your campaigns and connect with relevant customers.

When Should Your Campaign Be Scheduled?

Ever thought of the right time to deliver your door drop pieces? If not, you must start thinking of your campaign timing now. Even the right message to the right person at the wrong time can negatively affect your delivery-to-the-door campaigns.

Thus, consider your messaging and offers and plan on your schedule accordingly. If you want a customer to redeem an offer during the weekend, send your mail items by Friday. Similarly, you can send January mailings for promoting local gym memberships. Such impeccable timing can drive more responses than usual and help you get an improved ROI.

Read more: How Can PostGrid Help Your Marketing Teams Succeed?

Different Factors of Your Royal Mail Door-to-Door Campaign

Conducting a campaign needs you to undertake several steps like creating artwork, printing items, tracking responses, etc. We have discussed each of these factors below to help you out:


Naturally, the first thing you should work on is your mail format and design after you book a courier door-to-door UK service. Your items should look appealing and eye-catching. Also, they should motivate the recipients to look inside the envelope and read your message.

Here are some tips that can allow you to design better door drop mail pieces:

  • Use different colours, layouts, and mail sizes to impress your audience
  • Include relevant imagery to add life to your items
  • Portray a single message to make it easier for your audience to understand and respond to it
  • Add your brand logo and contact details
  • Engage with your recipient’s senses—for example, using embossed envelopes to make them look and feel good

PostGrid’s direct mail API offers tons of ready-to-use design templates to help you save on design costs. You can take your pick and customise them according to your likes and requirements. Here’s our template gallery for you to have a quick look!


Door-to-door parcel delivery campaigns are effective due to their simplicity and cost-efficiency. But, you must focus on your messaging for your campaign to produce excellent results.

We have compiled a copy checklist for you to follow and draft compelling messages:

  • Make your headline the best: Headlines are the first thing people read, so make them a compelling and result-driving part of your copy. Use short headlines with power words, like ‘free,’ you,’ ‘discount,’ ‘new,’ etc. You can also add questions that depict the customers’ problems and offer a solution.
  • Customise your copy: Yes, door-to-door same-day delivery does not let you personalise items. They are unaddressed and talk about the general needs of a collective group. But that doesn’t mean you cannot add some customisations. For example, if you want to announce a discount sale in an area, the least you can do is add the address of your nearest store.
  • Focus on benefits: Refrain from getting into too many details and talking about your product features while writing your door drop copy. Instead, try adding the benefits your customers get on buying from you.
  • Highlight the critical details: Try adding bold formatting, bullet points, and bigger font sizes to highlight crucial information.
  • Add postscripts: Consider adding postscripts if using letters for your Post Office Door-to-Door Delivery Campaigns. Most recipients read P.S. lines more enthusiastically than the body. Hence, you can score well by adding them to your copy.

Use Compelling Offers and CTA

Generally, offers and calls to action are part of your Royal Mail door drop copy. But, they are so crucial that we had to list them as another factor altogether.

Your offer can either drive responses or lead to your campaign failure, so be careful with this part. You need something to spark interest among your audience and encourage them to respond. Offers like a 10% discount or buy 1 get 1 free can help increase conversion rates significantly.

Also, remember to add an upfront CTA that can guide customers further. For example, add phrases, such as:

  • Call us now
  • Book an appointment today
  • Sign up on our website
  • Walk into your nearest branch, etc.

Tracking Modes

You need to add trackable features, like coupon codes, Quick Response codes, pURLs, etc., to measure the success of your domestic door-to-door delivery plans. These elements help you track every response and follow-up on time—increasing your door drop campaign’s conversion ratios.

Also, they form a part of your CTA where you can ask your customers to do something in exchange for an offer. For example- scan the QR code below to get a 5% discount on your next purchase.


Testing your door-to-door flyer delivery strategies can help you determine your easy wins. You can find out the answers to significant questions, such as which offers do my prospects respond to the most? Or what type of direct mail format fetches more engagement?

When you test your items, you get to know the finer details, like your audience’s preferences and needs. They help you design more relevant door drop items to produce better results.

You can use several different KPIs to test your door-to-door delivery Edinburgh campaigns. Open rates, response ratios, and conversions are the most popular types of KPIs you can use to measure your campaign results.

How Can PostGrid’s Direct Mail Services Assist You In Conducting Door Drop Distribution Campaigns?

PostGrid’s direct mail services can help you create, print, and distribute door drops effortlessly. You don’t need to do anything manually or invest loads of time and money in a campaign. Simply integrate our print and mail API into your CRM and start launching door-to-door campaigns automatedly.

Our delivery door-to-door service helps you target the right audience and increase your ROI. We can help you in the following ways:

  • Design and print your items within two business days
  • Offer real-time mail tracking
  • Provide access to campaign analytics and insights
  • Validate your existing mailing lists
  • Send items via Royal Mail without you going to the Post Office

To Conclude

Door-to-door mail delivery is an excellent way to conduct mass marketing and connect with thousands of prospects in one go. Also, it is cost-effective, simple to launch, and result-bearing.

However, you need to take care of a few things, like printing high-quality items and mailing them on time. If that is too much work for you, try PostGrid’s print and mail services. They can assist you from start to finish of your campaign and make your job a breeze.

Interested in conducting a door drop delivery campaign? Read our e-books below to know more:

automate direct mail

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The post Door to Door Mail Delivery appeared first on PostGrid UK.


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