Thursday, May 18, 2023

Triggered Direct Mail

Triggered Direct Mail Marketing (UK)

Triggered direct mail is gaining a lot of attention in the direct mail marketing industry. It is known to gather more responses than non-triggered mail due to higher relevancy, personalization, and perfect timing. Let us understand what is triggered by direct mail.

trigger and automate direct mails

Triggered direct mail marketing is a form of marketing wherein a company sends out direct mail items on the basis of certain “triggers.” These triggers could be anything from cart-abandonment, subscription expiry, a new purchase, social media onboarding, and events like birthdays and anniversaries. For example, you can send out a triggered direct mail to any customer who has posted a query on one of your social media platforms. The direct mail item hereby sent out will be tailored to solve the query and induce the person into buying.

In short, triggered direct mail marketing is conducted on the basis of customer actions. Since you are sending a direct mail item to a person who has already engaged with your brand in some way, the conversion chances are extremely high. Hence, triggered direct mail becomes an excellent example of targeted marketing, wherein only engaged customers are targeted.

Benefits of Triggered Direct Mail

1. Faster Engagement

Companies that respond to leads faster have more chances of converting those leads as compared to companies that work on old leads. It is because the brand recall rate is obviously high just after an engagement is recorded—for instance, a person filled in their contact details for an online demo. You responded within 5 minutes; that customer is definitely going to remember your brand and follow your further instructions that can lead to conversion. Triggered direct mail can help companies respond faster and hence grab conversion opportunities.

2. Smart CTA

A smart CTA is something that relates to the customer’s recent activity and considers their exact need. Triggered direct mail makes it possible for companies to include a relevant CTA and an interesting offer that can catch the attention of the audience.

3. Highly-Relevant Leads

Triggers are customer actions. Hence, the leads generated through them are of good quality. When companies work on such leads, it gives them access to a relevant and easily convertible, and valid database.

4. Higher Open and Conversion Rates

Direct mail generated and sent through triggers is more likely to be opened and responded to. On the other hand, direct mail pieces that are sent as part of general marketing are not able to gather a lot of responses. Hence, triggered direct mail leads to higher open and conversion rates.

5. Increased ROI

If companies want to increase the ROI on their direct mail campaigns, triggers are the best choice. These triggers allow you to avoid sending any unwanted mail. Hence, you save a lot and increase the ROI ultimately.

6. Customer Retention

Send triggered mail to your already existing customers to strengthen relationships and increase retention rate. It is an excellent way to identify customer needs and keep up with them.

7. Targeting and Segmentation

Marketers can save up quite some time otherwise spent in building mailing lists, selecting a target audience, and segmenting. Triggered direct mail automatically targets and segments the relevant audience.

Different Types of Triggered Direct Mail

1. Cart-Abandonment Trigger

Whenever a customer visits your website, adds things to their cart, and abandons it without ever checking out, perhaps a direct mail prompting them to complete the checkout can help. A cart-abandonment trigger allows companies to send out a mail piece to such customers automatically. Hence, the cart abandonment rates reduce and companies are able to increase sales.

2. Renewal-Reminder Trigger

Has your company ever faced subscriber churn? It happens when subscribers do not renew their subscriptions or memberships with the company after the end of a certain subscription period, say one year. Any business is likely to face losses due to this subscriber churn, which is why noting the subscription expiry dates and sending out direct mail pieces as a renewal reminder becomes essential. A renewal-reminder trigger exactly does this job.

3. Meeting-Confirmation Trigger

After talking to clients over the phone or email, sending thoughtful and relevant direct mail can help build a fruitful relationship. People appreciate when companies go beyond the formal sale deal and do something special for them. A meeting confirmation trigger sends out a personalized mail piece whenever a client confirms a meeting in either digital or telephonic form.

4. Welcome Message

Set a trigger for every time somebody purchases from you or signs up for a subscription. The welcome triggers enable businesses to send out direct mail with a warm welcome message to make them feel appreciated. It shows that businesses care for their customers and are at their service.

5. Others

There are many other triggers that companies can use in order to establish better relations with their audience and induce them to purchase. Triggers for website visits, online activities, store visits, survey form completions, and other similar activities can be used to send out the right direct mail item to the right people at the right time.

direct mail operations

How Triggered Direct Mail Marketing Help Save Marketer’s Time and Reduce Any Errors?

Triggered direct mail uses customer-data rather than rented mailing lists or the company’s own database. In short, the customers themselves contribute towards this database, hence making it highly relevant and valid. Hence, it saves hours of data entry work, and marketers can proceed using this data. Moreover, triggers allow personalization, leading to no more missing out on opportunities. Companies can now send direct mail immediately after a person takes action – increasing the conversion chances.

You can automate triggered direct mail by using a direct mail automation API or software like PostGrid. Automation can help save time, effort, resources and enables better planning and execution. Marketers can define the different types of triggers and create different campaigns for each of them. Once these things are fed in, the automation API can take care of everything without any manual interference.

Use Cases for Sending Triggered Direct Mail

Now that we have established that triggered direct mail marketing can prove beneficial for businesses in many ways, the next step is to know what you can do with it. There are certainly endless possibilities of collecting consumer data and incorporating it into triggered direct mail. Read below some of the prime use cases of triggered direct mail that can help strengthen an organization’s overall base.

Build Brand Awareness

Sending triggered mail items can actually make a person recall your brand several times. It is like a cross-channel marketing form where prospects view your brand on several platforms simultaneously. The motto behind cross-channel marketing is to create increased brand awareness. Triggered direct mail can help companies communicate with prospects right during the starting stage. From here, they can start engaging their prospects through different ways and induce them to take action like making an online purchase or simply filling up a form.

Reach Your Customers First

Triggered direct mail marketing always has the edge over general marketing. Here, the audience is already aware of your brand and is trying to make the right selection. For instance, a person visits your website, it is obvious that the person is looking for something similar to your product or service. Sending thoughtful, well-curated, tailored direct mail to such people based on the website visit trigger can help you beat your competitors and contact your prospects first. This way, you can grab maximum attention and can drive conversions easily.

Direct Prospects Towards Conversions

Your prospects might have followed you on social media, added things to their cart from your website, or filled a survey form. Either way, it is your responsibility to reach out to them and inform or induce them to complete the further steps.

Triggered direct mail allows businesses to connect with their prospects and guide them toward conversions. If a person’s subscription is coming to an end, a magazine publication can send a triggered direct mail with an offer exactly one month before the end of it. Hence, the subscriber is induced to renew the subscription and is now aware of how to do it and its benefit.

Companies in any sector can make use of triggered direct mail in this way – to direct prospects in the right direction and help them complete the customer journey.

Maintain Customer Loyalty

One of the most important use cases of triggered direct mail is customer retention and gaining customer loyalty. Most of the business comes from repeat customers. Hence, they are very important to a firm, and their needs should be tended to at all times.

Using triggers, you can know whether they are looking out for other brands or need something different from your offering. In this case, sending a direct mail item addressing their exact needs and offering an undeniable deal can really help you induce them to buy from you again.

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The post Triggered Direct Mail appeared first on PostGrid UK.


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