Thursday, April 13, 2023

Address Validation Solutions

Address Validation Solutions

Address validation ensures that all the mailing addresses are correct and mailable. It is a process of comparing a database with the official database of Royal Mail to verify it. In case of any differences, the API can validate all the addresses and make them deliverable. By using validated mailing lists, businesses can mail faster and without any worries regarding bad data, delays, mail returns and lost mailpieces.

postgrid bulk address verification solutions

PostGrid’s address checker API can help you integrate with your software or website and start verifying addresses right at the point-of-entry. Another way to go about it is to process mailing lists and verify bulk addresses altogether. Either way, PostGrid has got you covered.

Why is Address Validation Important?

Why is it that more and more companies are using address validation solutions? If you wonder what makes it so important, keep reading below to check out the prime benefits of an address validation API.

1. Prevents Time Wastage

In companies, time lost is money lost. It is because there are many productive areas of a business where time can be better spent, rather than wasting it on resending mail items. Mailing on unverified addresses calls for problems like wrong deliveries and misplacements. Address validation enables companies to correct their database beforehand and mail on the right addresses – to prevent wasting time on reshipping.

2. Boosts Conversions and ROI

Did you know that according to a survey conducted by the Baymard Institute, 69.80% is the average cart abandonment rate? For many businesses, cart abandonment can be a big issue as it directly affects their conversions. In this scenario, it is important to incorporate a smart strategy to prompt people to complete the checkout process.

Many people abandon their carts due to lengthy checkout processes. An address validation API can help reduce the number of clicks during checkouts and make the process quick, increasing your conversions and ROI.

3. Saves Money

Imagine a scenario where your mail items are returned to you due to wrong addresses. You will have to spend on the postage again. This way, your shipping costs can escalate rapidly. Reshipping is expensive. Hence, checking addresses before mailing on them is the need of the hour for every business. Address validation solutions can validate your addresses speedily and help companies save on extra postage.

4. Improve User Experience

User experience is something that matters a lot to your customers. When your website integrates with an address validation API, you can provide a better user experience with reduced keystrokes and features like address autocomplete and auto-parsing.

By using the latest technology for verifying addresses and simplifying checkouts, you represent yourself as a brand that can keep up with the current trends. It helps improve your brand reputation and get popular among customers, as nowadays everyone expects and appreciates the use of technology to make long processes short and less time-consuming.

How Does Address Validation Service Work?

As mentioned earlier, address validation either takes place at point-of-entry or later by processing mailing lists. In the first method, you can simply integrate an address validation API like PostGrid with your website or application and validate every address as it is being entered. This method allows you to capture and store correct addresses, blocking wrong addresses right from the start. The other way is to validate addresses in bulk by processing mailing lists using address validation solutions.

In both the methods, the steps involved in the process are the same.

  • Standardizing: The addresses are first standardized as per the destination country’s address format and guidelines.
  • Validating: All addresses are checked to ensure whether they are valid and deliverable.
  • Verifying: After standardization and validation, the addresses are compared with Royal Mail’s official database to find any discrepancies and correct the same.

Features of Address Validation Solutions

1. International Coverage

Today, almost all companies are looking to expand their business globally. However, that could require them to validate international addresses as well. An address validation API like PostGrid can solve language barriers, address formatting issues and scripting errors. In fact, PostGrid has data of about 245 countries, enabling you to validate addresses belonging to any country worldwide.

2. Data Enrichment

Your mailing lists should be segmented for better targeting and data management. Using an address validation API, you can classify your data as residential, commercial, not yet built, multiple residence addresses, and more. Furthermore, you can also use other parameters to do so. Address validation solutions allow you to fill in missing details in addresses, segment mailing lists, and efficiently manage your data.

3. Use of Geocoding

Online shopping and logistics are made simple with the presence of geocoding. It helps companies capture the exact addresses of their customers and deliver mail items accurately. Address validation makes use of geolocation to help you get precise results.

4. Autocomplete, Parsing, and Standardizing

Address autocomplete allows customers to fill in their addresses automatically within a few keystrokes, hence saving time. Parsing breaks the address into components like street address, city name, state, and more – for better processing and easy deliverability. Standardization helps in reformatting the addresses according to the standard address format and rules. All these things are important to verify your addresses and are, therefore, essential features of address validation.

5. Fuzzy Address Matching

Fuzzy address matching helps recognize misspellings, abbreviations, extra and missed spaces, switched letters, missing words, typos, and any other common errors. The fuzzy logic is used for making sense out of these errors to recognize and validate them correctly.

Which Industries Should Use Address Validation Solutions?

Any company that sends out direct mail items or shipments to their customers or prospects can use address validation solutions and make their work easier. Ecommerce and logistics companies use these solutions the most, but there are a lot of other industries that should use address validation:

automate direct mail

Why Choose Postgrid’s Address Validation Solutions?

1. Uses PAF’s Data
PostGrid uses the official mailing addresses database of Royal Mail – PAF. It helps PostGrid return verified addresses that are up-to-date and mailable. Companies can make use of this data for speedy deliveries and have access to high-quality addresses at all times.

2. Scalable
It doesn’t matter whether you want to validate a single address or in bulk. PostGrid’s address validation API can get it done within seconds. With these scalable solutions, you can process millions of API calls altogether without any issues.

3. Easy to Integrate
If you need an API that is easy to integrate and use, PostGrid is your best choice. You can integrate PostGrid’s address validation API with any of your software programs or eCommerce websites – without any technical expertise.

4. Ensures Confidentiality
At PostGrid, data security and confidentiality come first. You don’t have to worry about these things as PostGrid is compliant with the Data Protection Act, 2018 and ISO 9001, 14001, 27001, 2701 certified.

5. Cost-Effective
There are no minimum charges, monthly fees, or long-term commitments to use PostGrid’s address validation solutions. You have to pay only for what you actually use, and the overall pricing is quite cost-effective. Hence, PostGrid’s API offers the best features at the most reasonable costs.

Additional Features of PostGrid’s Address Verification Solutions

Along with the basic features of address validation, PostGrid offers these advanced features for better results.

1. Delivery Point Validation
The DPV system helps assign a DPV code to all the addresses to check for its validity and deliverability. It considers even the minute details of an address like the floor and room number.

2. Locatable Address Correction System
There are a lot of address changes, modifications, and conversions every year. The LACSLink system matches all your addresses with these changes to only return the most updated addresses.

3. Residential Delivery Indicator
Residential addresses should be separated from commercial and other address types. The residential delivery indicator does exactly that – for efficient segmentation and targeting.

4. SuiteLink
SuiteLink allows you to verify the suite, floor, room, and apartment numbers within outer addresses. This system enables you to deliver exactly to the right address without any confusion regarding internal units.

5. Intelligent Mail Barcodes
To facilitate transparency and tracking, IMBs are attached to every direct mail item. They help in real-time monitoring and give you complete visibility into mail processing.

Wrapping Up

PostGrid’s address validation solutions are about more than just correcting your addresses. It provides address autocomplete, parsing, standardizing, and the use of several systems to return deliverable addresses. PostGrid’s address validation API is focused on deliverability – it can help you strengthen your customer relationships, build brand image, ship internationally, reduce wastages, and improve your ROI.

automate direct mail

The post Address Validation Solutions appeared first on PostGrid UK.


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